
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's Fold It Challenge

I used Ribbon from Michael's; Paper from My Mind's Eye: Everyday Tango; paper from DCWV: Animal Crackers; the ovals were cut from Cricut Cartridge: Plantin Schoolbook.

It's Thursday! My favorite day of the week! I hope everyone is having a sunshiny day!!

I just sprayed my favorite perfume (Ralph Lauren's ROMANCE) all around my desk in our home office.

Ohhhh it smells good in here! I sprayed the air vent too, so when the air kicks on I get a fresh burst of ROMANCE. hahahaha

Hey, nothing wrong with creating an environment you enjoy being in! Right? Try it. You may like it. :)


  1. I love it Janis, especially that cute giraffe! Nothing wrong with a bit of 'romance' lol :o) I might have to do that here in my home office too, it's really hot today! :o)

  2. Thanks, Ruby! You know what's really funny? I put that DCWV paper in to cut the giraffe out in an oval... I put the paper in the wrong way and the oval cut sideways instead of vertically! Oopsie! My daughter is an artist and she's always telling me there are no mistakes in art; so what did I do? I just went with it. Oh well. Freedom in art and all. Have a great day!!

  3. Oh, let me explain... I put the paper in the Cricut to cut the oval. I sorta skipped that part in the above comment. :)

  4. so cute!! love the giraffee!!

  5. Janis, I love your card, the colors have such rich hues. Very romantic. Thanks for playing along with Corrosive Creations. Hugs, Leslie
